If you are interested in scheduling a wedding at St. Augustine-St. Francis Xavier, go here.
The Catholic Church esteems marriage as sacred- one of the seven Sacraments of the continual presence of Christ among us. Saint Paul says the union of husband and wife is a sign of the union of Christ and the Church. When the couple professes their vows, they vow to love each other “as Christ loved the Church” (Ephesians 5:25)- freely, totally, faithfully, and fruitfully.
A Communion of Life and Love
The marriage covenant by which a man and a woman form with each other an intimate communion of life and by its very nature ordered to the good of the couple, as well as to the generation and education of children. CCC 1660.
- One party of the couple must be Catholic.
- Both parties need to be free to marry in the Catholic Church.
- Submit the Marriage Request Form.
Marriage Process
The Sacrament of Marriage process must begin at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding date.
Wedding Ceremony
- $600 for parishioners registered and supporting at least six months prior to the initial wedding inquiry.
- $1000 for non-parishioners and non-supporting members.
- A deposit of $100 is due when your date is confirmed.
- For those who are celebrating their wedding in another church and need marriage preparation only:
- $250 for registered and supporting parishioners
- $500 for non-registered and non-supporting members.
Preliminary Paperwork
- Color scans of current and valid forms of identification, front and back, for both the bride and groom.
- Sacramental Certificates. Recently issued Baptismal certificates- original copies.
- Letter of permission to be married at Saint Augustine- Saint Francis Xavier from the pastor of the parish where the couple is registered and actively attending Mass.